A place to ''differentiate'' myself; to become less.

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I will only begin to live when I die.

To the Brink
Wednesday, July 14, 2004  
Just some random thoughts...

Excited about leaving for San Francisco. We will be gone for four days. Camping, seafood and Sangrea, what more could I want?

The Jesus Prayer...
When my mind is in overdrive, not sure what God's will may be for a given situation, I try to focus on the Jesus Prayer. This really helps.

I love my wife! She is an incredible woman. It is weird to think, or should I say "mysticaly mysterious" that my salvation has a lot to do with my wife and vice versa. Celebrating the Trinity in our marriage. I want us to be that "ideal" family that brings joy and God's loving kindness to others and glorifies God for all to see. Just as sin and evil in a marriage can spread darkness, so can righteousness and goodness spread light. Dare I say uncreated light?

Boundaries...such a trite word; but, oh, so important. Carrying my own burden, being responsible for it, and helping others to be responsible for theirs...freedom.

"Oh Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth. Who art everywhere and fillest all things. The treasury of blessings and giver of life, come and abide in us, and cleanse us from every stain, and save our souls, oh good One."

1:52 PM

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